Your Health, Your Care

Helping you navigate your Masshealth services.


Contact our Help Line:

Phone Call

Video Call with Interpreter


We are here to help you with any questions you have about your health plan.

What we do:


Answer Questions

We inform members about MassHealth health plans, including information about specific benefits, member rights, and how to access services.


We answer questions about MassHealth health plans, including information about specific benefits, member rights, and how to access services.


We meet with you and your doctor or care representative to problem solve.

Discuss Options

When facing conflict, we help individuals find and consider options for addressing their concerns.

Explain Grievance/Appeal Process

If the member chooses, My Ombudsman staff members can work with members and their plan to try to resolve a concern before filing a grievance or an appeal. While My Ombudsman cannot represent a member in grievance or appeal proceedings, staff members can explain how to file an appeal and what to expect during the appeal process.

Make Referrals

My Ombudsman can refer individuals to information and problem resolution resources, including formal grievance and appeal processes and legal services.

Contact our helpline:

If you are unable to call during our open hours, you can also leave a message on our secure voicemail system at any time.

Phone 1.855.781.9898 Email Video Call with Interpreter