Is My Ombudsman the same as a long-term care or nursing home ombudsman?

No, a Long-Term Care Ombudsman is an advocate working to resolve problems related to the health, welfare, and rights of individuals living in nursing or rest homes. These Ombudsmen visit facilities on a regular basis and offer a way for residents to voice their complaints and work towards a resolution with staff.  

My Ombudsman serves MassHealth members when they have a question or problem with their health plan benefits or services, whether they are living in a long-term care facility or not.

You can call (800) 243-4636 to connect with your local long-term care ombudsman. Or you can find the contact information for your local long-term care ombudsman by clicking here

Sonny Oram

Sonny Oram founded Qwear in 2011: the world’s first online queer fashion incubator. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, The Boston Globe, Huffpost, and Buzzeed, among others. Sonny has been published in books including Beyonce in Formation and The Dangers of Fashion: Towards Ethical and Sustainable Solutions. In 2019, Sonny founded Qwear Media to help diversify advertising.

Outside of Qwear, Sonny works at MIT as a Communications Officer, where they use their expertise in creating online movements to curate MIT’s online presence.


I need someone to represent me at my appeals hearing, and/or in court. Can My Ombudsman do that?


What should I do if I unexpectedly lost my MassHealth coverage and cannot access my prescriptions or treatment?