Does MassHealth cover testing and treatment for COVID-19?


Yes. MassHealth covers medically necessary COVID-19 treatment ordered by a health care provider, for all members, no matter what kind of MassHealth coverage or plan they have. Getting tested or treated for COVID-19 when it is medically necessary is free and will NOT impact your immigration status. Learn more about what is covered from the Masshealth website:

Not every COVID-19 testing site accepts MassHealth, and different testing sites accept different MassHealth health plans. Check with your healthcare provider, insurance plan, care manager, or MassHealth’s COVID-19 information website for applicants and members to find a covered or free testing site near you.


What should I do if I unexpectedly lost my MassHealth coverage and cannot access my prescriptions or treatment?


I’m having trouble getting the services I need, like home care, dental care, and other benefits offered by my One Care plan. What can I do?